Loving Life with Him in it!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer, Graduation, Lagoon, etc....

Wow, the last post was really April...I am the worst blogger in the world! So much has happen since then..First it's summer woohoo finally the cold is gone!! Yeah! When summer comes that means its LAGOON time...of course our family got season passes, Sam and I were the first to really use them..We had so much fun just the two of us! I think we had more fun in the shops looking at all the dumb stuff you can buy. Of course we road Wicked, The Rocket, & Samari a million times....I love that child I really do think she might be my child...shhh don't tell...

Also, exciting news...I finally convinced my mom to let Samantha to adopt a kitten. Since I moved out last year she has had no animals to love and I have felt horrible, plus I think it helps teach responsibility...lol So after much convincing we finally took her to the animal shelter in Ogden and she picked out this cute little grey kitty, when we went to go adopt the cat, this lady was like..."Guess What?" We are having this great deal, its buy one cat, get one free!!! SERIOUSLY people I am not joking, they were giving cats away like tank tops at Aeropostale. I thought I was going to die...But of course we jumped on it, and I went and picked out the cutest, furriest, kitty I could find. So we are the proud owners of not only 1 kitty but 2 thanks Ogden Humane Society... Here are some pics of Spartacus & Phoenix...

So big news...NEAL finally graduated! I know it actually happened. He even spoke, he was one of the main speakers. Here are some pictures...

1 comment:

  1. Neal and Sam have grown up SO MUCH!!!!! WOW!!!! I enjoy keeping up with what you are up to!!!! I hope you have a great summer!!!
