Loving Life with Him in it!


Monday, January 18, 2010

The Couple Survey!

What is his name? Christopher Shane Iarussi
•How long have you been together? Well we have been together for almost 9 months!! BEST Months of my life
•How long did you date? Well we are still dating!

•How old is he? 27

•Who said I love you first?He did, but I wanted to say it too.

•Who is taller? He is, I like it that way....

•Who sings better? Well we both suck....lol I wish he would sing to me more often though...

•Who is smarter? It depends on what we are talking about...cause I am really smart but most of the time he is always RIGHT!

•Whose temper is worse? I don't know...we never fight...but we both have really bad Road Rage!

•Who does the laundry? Well he tries to do Laundry but I hate when he does it, I am anal about my laundry so I do it.

•Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep on the right and he sleeps on the left!

•Who pays the bills? We split the bills in half!!

•Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn, but if we did he would!!

•Who does the dishes? I do but sometimes Chris does and I really appreciate it!!

•Who cooks dinner? Well if Chris wants to eat he does...lol

•Who drives when you are together? Chris does....

•Who is more stubborn? Probably me...but that is because I dont like to be wrong!!

•Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I don't know we have never really had a time were we had to admit it..except when we were betting something and like I said before Chris is ALWAYS right!

•Who kissed who first? He kissed me first...and that's when I knew I loved him...I will never forget that kiss either! We were at the Keys On Main and I was telling a story and out of no where he just leaned in and kissed me!

•Who proposed? Well no proposal yet!

•Who is more sensitive? I am!

•Who has more friends? He probably does!!!

Who wears the pants in the family? Ha ha ha I don't know

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